Fat Loss IV

Fat Loss IV

Are you looking for a natural and effective way to support your fat loss journey? At Kona Integrative Health we created a specialized Fat Loss IV blend. This blend combines the power of a Myers' cocktail base with the addition of carnitine and chromium to help you achieve your weight management goals. With a carefully selected combination of nutrients, our Fat Loss IV blend is designed to optimize your body's metabolism, promote fat burning, and support your overall wellness.

Components of Our Fat Loss IV Blend:

  • Myers' Cocktail Base: Our Fat Loss IV blend is built upon the foundation of a Myers' cocktail—an intravenous mixture known for its energy-boosting and metabolism-supporting properties. It contains a blend of essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, B vitamins, magnesium, and calcium, which provide a solid foundation for optimal metabolism and overall health.

  • Carnitine: We have included carnitine in our Fat Loss IV blend due to its role in fat metabolism. Carnitine helps transport fatty acids into the mitochondria, where they are converted into energy. By incorporating carnitine, we support the utilization of stored fat for energy, helping you achieve your fat loss goals.

  • Chromium: Chromium is a trace mineral that plays a crucial role in carbohydrate and fat metabolism. It helps regulate blood sugar levels, reduces cravings, and supports healthy insulin function. By including chromium in our Fat Loss IV blend, we aim to promote balanced blood sugar levels and optimal energy metabolism.

Experience the transformative power of our Fat Loss IV blend. Visit our clinic and let our experienced healthcare professionals administer this specialized intravenous infusion. Optimize your metabolism, support fat burning, and embrace a healthier, more vibrant you.

Treatment & Benefits

Increase energy

Faster recovery from workouts

Optimize vitamin levels

Release fatty deposits from the body

Boost your metabolism

Build and support muscle growth

Fat Loss IV FAQs

  • The combination of the Myers' Cocktail base, carnitine, and chromium in Fat Loss IV is intended to provide a comprehensive nutrient support while promoting fat metabolism and weight loss.

    Weight loss is a multifaceted journey influenced by numerous factors, such as dietary choices, physical activity levels, and overall lifestyle habits. While IV nutrient therapy is effective in contributing to weight loss efforts, it is crucial to adopt a holistic approach and seek personalized guidance. At Kona Integrative Healthy, Dr. Roberts and her team are available to provide tailored advice and support for individuals pursuing weight loss goals.

  • Our Fat Loss IV blend is $229.