Pain Relief IV

Pain Relief IV

Experience rapid relief with our Pain Relief IV, combining an Energy IV base with Toradol and a BPC peptide push. This powerful blend is designed to swiftly reduce inflammation and alleviate pain, providing effective and targeted relief. What sets Kona Integrative Health apart is our innovative approach, incorporating cutting-edge peptide therapy to optimize health. Rediscover comfort and mobility with our advanced Pain Relief IV infusion.

Pain Relief IV Ingredients:

Pain Relief IV FAQs

    • Fast-Acting Inflammation Reduction: The inclusion of Toradol and BPC peptide push is designed to quickly reduce inflammation, providing swift relief from associated pain.

    • Efficient Pain Alleviation: The combination is crafted for efficient and targeted pain relief, addressing discomfort effectively.

    • Energy Boost (Energy IV base): The Energy IV base contributes to an energized state, potentially aiding in overall well-being during times of pain or discomfort.

    • Localized Relief: The BPC peptide push may provide localized support, enhancing the targeted nature of pain relief.

    • Minimized Discomfort: The Pain Relief IV is formulated to minimize discomfort rapidly, offering a solution for those seeking quick and effective relief.

  • Pain Relief IV may be suitable for you if you are seeking rapid and targeted relief from inflammation and pain. Especially beneficial for individuals looking for a comprehensive and advanced pain management solution, our Pain Relief IV combines essential nutrients and therapeutic elements. At Kona Integrative Health, we prioritize personalized care and conduct consultations before every IV to ensure you receive tailored and individualized care based on your specific needs.

  • Kona Integrative Health caters to the entire Big Island, offering in-home IV therapy and comprehensive support. Our registered nurses are readily available to provide assistance and relief at your preferred location, be it your home, office, hotel, or elsewhere. Contact us today to discover more:

    • Call: 808-339-7474

    • Text: 855-934-0539

    Experience our services wherever you are.

  • To inquire about pricing, please reach out to our office by calling 808-339-7474.


Book with Hawaii’s leading IV Therapy Clinic

Contact us to book your upcoming IV session! Choose between our in-clinic IV treatments or opt for the convenience of our mobile IV services, where we can come to your preferred location.