High Dose Vitamin C

High Dose Vitamin C

High-dose Vitamin C IV infusion can provide a quick and effective treatment option for people suffering from chronic syndromes. This potent antioxidant can boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and alleviate symptoms associated with chronic conditions.

If you're suffering from chronic syndromes like cancer or autoimmune diseases, high-dose vitamin C intravenous infusions could potentially offer relief, as this potent antioxidant strengthens the immune system, reduces inflammation, and may even have antiviral and anticancer properties

Treatment & Benefits

Boosts immune system function


Reduces inflammation

Combats chronic infections

Aids in detoxification

Reduces oxidative stress

High Dose Vitamin C FAQS

  • This is a common question we get from patients because vitamin C tablets are easy to pick up from stores. The main difference between a tablet and IV is the dose of vitamin C that can be administered. Absorption of vitamin C taken by mouth is limited by the gut, which can be an issue when gut health is not at its best.

  • While IV vitamin C therapy is generally safe, it is always important to consider the risks and benefits. Vitamin C offers a variety of benefits including strengthening the immune system to fight viruses and bacteria and providing the body with antioxidant support to reverse signs of aging.

    IV vitamin C is not for everyone. For example, individuals with a G6PD deficiency have difficulty tolerate high does of vitamin C. Dr. Roberts will discuss the risks and benefts as it specifically pertains to you.

  • The answer to this question will vary from person to person and can range from weekly to monthly sessions to get the most benefit. Each session can last between 60-90 minutes depending on the strength of vitamin C in the IV.

  • To inquire about pricing, please reach out to our office by calling 808-339-7474.